How To Make Money From Chatting?

20 Easy Ways To Make Money From Chatting

Yes, it is, my money-hungry friend.

The world we live in is crazy. Additionally, bizarre new online money-making methods are emerging on a daily basis.

The majority of people have never heard of them because they are so bizarre.

Allow me to demonstrate my point.


How To Make Money By Chatting In English

Teaching English is a great way to chat and make money at the same time.

A Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification is required by some English language teaching platforms.

However, many don’t.

In point of fact, some websites pay you to just have casual conversations with students all over the world who are learning English. They only require someone to practice with and critique their errors.

Here are three of the easiest sites to get started. 


1. Cambly

Cambly is a platform for teaching English, but don’t be put off by the word “teaching.” To become an English tutor, you do not need any qualifications, certificates, or experience.

screenshot of cambly tutor application page

You don’t even have to be a native English speaker to participate.

You’ll be accepted as long as you speak the language well.

When tutoring, Cambly teachers employ a conversational style. Simply begin talking. You and the student are free to discuss whatever topic interests you.

Students are more likely to return for additional lessons if your conversations are more interesting.

Pay: $0.17 per minute ($10.20 per hour) for adults. $0.20 per minute (12.00 per hour) for kids.

2. Preply

Another well-liked app for teaching English is Preply.

screenshot of preply application page

You can become a teacher, just like at Cambly, if you can speak English well.

With Preply’s “free talk” program, which is similar to Cambly’s conversational approach, you can teach casual lessons.

It is also extremely adaptable. There are no set minimum hours; you can set your own.

Pay: Set your own rates. Preply takes a 33% commission

3. iTalki

screenshot of italki application page

Another excellent platform for English teachers without prior experience or education is iTalki. You can instruct through casual chats with the Community Tutor feature.

Having said that, you can also become a Professional Teacher for iTalki to earn higher pay if you have the appropriate credentials. A TEFL certificate, a teaching license for the language you want to teach, or teaching experience are all required for this.

Additionally, iTalki offers numerous languages. Therefore, you can earn money by conversing in additional languages if you are multilingual.

Pay: Set your own rates. iTalki takes a 15% commission.


How to get paid to be a friend online?

As you can see, there are a lot of platforms that let you make money by talking to other people.

You can talk to each other via text, video, or even the phone (only with audio). Yes, you can earn money by texting other people.

You basically get paid to be a friend to someone you don’t know, which can make for interesting conversations.

4. Rent A Local Friend

You can provide services for in-person or virtual friendships with Rent a Local Friend.

screenshot of rent a local friend page

That might entail, for instance, attending a birthday party as a friend. However, most of the time, it is entirely online.

Some of your customers might be tourists who want to learn more about the culture where they live. Sometimes, all you have to do is connect online with a friend who absolutely needs one.

In this day and age, this is a service that is especially useful. The pandemic’s extensive quarantine can have a positive effect on people’s lives.

Pay: Pay depends on the services you offer and the prices you set. To activate your profile, you need to make a $20 contribution. Ideally, you’d recoup these costs after just a couple hours of friendship work. This assumes someone actually books your services, so there is some risk involved.

5. Rent A Cyber Friend

screenshot of rent a cyber friend website

Another online friend-chatting platform where you can make money talking to strangers is Rent a Cyber Friend.

You can match people using Rent a Cyber Friend based on their identity, interests, work, politics, or any other characteristic.

Because you’ll have more in common with your customers, this works out well for both of you. It’s possible that your client will turn out to be a friend.
To reach even more customers, you can also share your profile on your social media platforms.

You must be at least 18 years old to join any calls, which are all video chats.

Pay: Set your own rates per minute. Most Cyberfriends I saw charged between $0.10 and $1 per minute. That means after the platform takes its 20% cut, you’re looking at anywhere between $4.80 and $48 per hour.


screenshot of friendpc page

Another interesting platform is Friend PC, which gives you multiple ways to make money chatting online with friends.

It is stated on the website that it is not a dating site. Having said that, one of their services does include being a “virtual girlfriend,” in which you basically get paid to talk to men who are alone.

This service is intended to “make exes jealous” or boost a client’s confidence. Fake flirting would obviously be required for this service.

However, Friend PC offers more than just virtual girlfriends. As a normal virtual friend, a virtual gaming partner, or even a life coach, you can earn money as well.
Which services you provide are up to you. In addition, you decide how you want to communicate and set your schedule. audio, video, and text).

You can even meet people in person if you use their online services. If you need a companion to attend an event or take a city tour, this is a popular option.

How to make money talking to lonely people

There are a lot of lonely people in the world right now. Some are only searching for guidance or easygoing, non-romantic social cooperation. Others are looking for, um, conversations that aren’t platonic.

7. Phrendly

screenshot of phrendly page

Phrendly is a platform for online friends that provides text, phone, and video chat services.

Talking to lonely men and women can earn you money.

Phrendly stands out from other platforms for online friends because interactions can quickly progress from friendly to, well, more than friendly.

Phrenically clients value casual conversations just as much as they value explicit conversations, so ensure that you are accustomed to them.

Pay: Phrendly has an interesting pay system. Clients buy a “virtual drink” for the online friend they want to talk to — usually equating to about $0.35 — and depending on how much they spend on that drink (or how many drinks they buy), you can decide how long to chat with them. Kind of like a real-life bar scenario.

8. Flirtbucks

screenshot of flirtbucks page

The sole purpose of chatting on Flirtbucks is to flirt with lonely men.

This platform lets you talk to customers face-to-face through video calls. Therefore, if that bothers you, you might want to skip this one.

However, because Flirtbucks isn’t as explicit as some other platforms, most of your conversations will just be fun ones about your client’s interests, hobbies, or life.

Pay: Text chats range from $0.10 to $0.15 per minute and video chats range from $0.40 to $0.50 per minute (up to $30 per hour). Your exact pay per minute depends on how long you’ve been with the company and your experience as a chat operative.


9. Lip Service

screenshot of lip service page

Lip Service provides a wide range of services. You can chat online as a chat operator, customer service representative, or telephone actor or actress.

Similar to Flirtbucks, which pays you to chat with lonely men, the telephone actor/actress and chat operator options are available.

The more formal customer service option assists medium-sized businesses with customer inquiries.

Lip Service is looking for employees who are able to work at least 25 hours per week. Because of this, it is less adaptable than most of the other platforms on the list.

Pay: There is no officially stated pay rate, but many report $18 per hour.

How To Make Money From Text Chat

Want to earn money for talking, but don’t want to talk on the phone or via video call?

In that case, you can concentrate on texting.

There are numerous platforms that let you earn money just by texting while you chat.

We’ve already talked about a few platforms that let you text as your method of communication. However, here are a few more who only text.

10. The Chat Shop

screenshot of the chat shop page

You can earn money by moderating live chats with customers for The Chat Shop, a customer service chat company based in the UK.

You must be able to type 65 words per minute and put in 20 to 40 hours per week for the company.

It keeps things interesting that The Chat Shop collaborates with a wide range of brands, services, and businesses.

Making sure their chat operators have personality is one of their most important values. They don’t want chat operators that are robotic. something to take into consideration when applying.

Pay: $18 per hour, according to Glassdoor.

11. Site Staff

You work as an outsourced customer service agent for various businesses as a chat operator for SiteStaff.

screenshot of sitestaff chat page

Customers will contact you with questions, and you need to answer them while also making a good impression on the company.

Because SiteStaff works with a lot of different businesses, you can chat with a lot of different customers.

The company is said to hire people from home, but as of this writing, they only have open positions in the office.

12. Needle

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Needle is a platform where fashionistas and avid shoppers can talk with other shoppers who have questions about various products.

Needle, like The Chat Shop and SiteStaff, works with a wide range of brands and businesses, so you’ll be able to help a wide range of customers with their shopping decisions.

Imagine yourself as a 100% virtual assistant for shopping.

Pay: The website claims you can earn $10 to $15 per hour, but employee reviews on Glassdoor say sometimes they earn as little as $2.50. For a better use of your time, see the recommendations at the end of this article.

How To Make Money By Giving Advice

I’m sure you’ve searched for solutions to a problem you’re facing on Google at some point. If you’re anything like me, you’ve done it thousands of times, searching blog posts for a solution.

13. Start An Advice Blog

Why not self-publish those blog posts?

With your own blog, you can choose which types of information to share, such as “how to deal with a divorce” or “how to remove this stain from my carpet.”

You don’t get paid to talk to people one-on-one; instead, you write informative articles that could be read by hundreds or thousands of people every day.

If you are an expert in a particular field (cooking, interior design, etc.) or you have triumphed over hardship (such as difficulties in your relationship, difficulties in your career, relocation to another country, etc.), then you have every right to give advice.

It takes time to start an advice blog. It takes a lot of work upfront, and you won’t start making money right away.

Pay: From $0 to $100,000+ per month. Here are examples of real travel blogs that make good money (giving travel advice).

14. Become an online counselor or life coach

Do you enjoy coaching others to achieve their goals or assisting people with their life issues?

Consider becoming a life coach.

This one calls for a little bit more knowledge. The majority of customers want to know that you are a certified life coach.

They intend to trust you by being emotionally vulnerable with you, and the fact that you took the time to educate yourself contributes to the development of that trust.

You can specialize in relationship coaching, leadership coaching, or Christian life coaching, among other life coaching niches.

Starting a business is like life coaching. You need to learn other business skills like marketing, bookkeeping, and technical know-how in addition to obtaining a certification in life coaching.

Pay: Set your own rates. The more experience and results you can show, the more people will be willing to pay you.

15. Work for an advice-giving company

Are you against starting your own business?

That’s fine.

Numerous businesses will pay you to offer advice to their customers.

screenshot of liveadvice page

Live Advice is one of the most widely used advice platforms. These platforms function similarly to English-teaching platforms, allowing you to sign up, set your rates and schedule, and begin interacting with others.

You can offer advice on relationships, careers, business, technology, wellness, and other aspects of life in general with Live Advice.

You are available for chat via phone, chat, or email, and clients select you based on your profile.

There are a number of similar advice-giving platforms available once you start looking around the internet.

Pay: Many of these platforms let you set your own rates. Most advice givers charge between $1.50 and $6 per minute. These rates assume you are somewhat of an expert in whatever you’re giving advice about.

How to get paid to chat online as customer service

Despite the fact that the conversations you have as a customer service representative won’t be nearly as interesting as some of the other options in this guide, you will still be paid to talk to people. 

Customer complaints, questions, and sometimes assistance with returns and exchanges are all part of these positions. 

The best websites that hire chat operators for customer service are listed here.

16. Work for an e-Commerce company

screenshot of amazon homepage

Are you familiar with the chat bubble that appears in the corner of online stores and constantly tries to initiate a conversation with you?

You are able to be that person. Technically, that chat bubble is typically a bot; however, you can be the individual to whom the bot directs people.

It is becoming easier for large businesses to respond to customer inquiries through text chats these days, but you can also get paid to email or resolve customer issues over the phone.

Amazon is one of the most obvious opportunities among the millions of online stores that employ customer service representatives. They have a literal army of representatives who chat with customers to resolve issues.

Pay: Varies by location and position.

17. Just Answer

screenshot of just answer page

Are you an expert in research?

JustAnswer is a company that employs experts (also known as “Experts”) from a variety of fields to work as live chat operators, which entails responding to queries from customers regarding almost any topic. 

This could be a great chat job for you if you are good at explaining things and do your homework.

You can choose which questions to answer and set your own schedule with JustAnswer. Since you are paid per response, the more you provide, the more money you make.

Pay: From $2000 to $7000 per month, depending on how much you work and how many questions you answer.

18. Premium Chat

screenshot of premium chat page

You can make money by sharing your expertise through chat. You can be paid per minute to chat with someone who has a question in your area.

This could be anything from a quick chat to a one-on-one session of life coaching.

On your own website, you can even install their widget and charge for answering questions.

You can use Premium if you are an influencer or have a large social media following. Chat with your followers without having to worry about disclosing your phone number or any other private information.
Using Premium You can communicate via text, video, or audio chat.

Pay: Set your own rates either per minute or per session.

19. Flex Jobs

screenshot of flexjobs page

Flexjobs is not strictly a site where you can get paid to chat or provide customer service. However, it is a platform where amazing remote jobs, freelance work, and other flexible online jobs, such as virtual customer service positions, can be found. 

The cool thing about Flexjobs is that each job listing on their website has been checked. This means that you won’t have to sort through listings that are old or spam.

When compared to huge websites like Indeed, where anyone can post unlimited job ads for free and it is difficult to search, this saves a lot of time.

Flexjobs lets you look around for free, but you need a paid subscription to start applying for jobs. They will send you a full refund if you are not satisfied with them after 30 days, and prices start at as little as $9.95.

There really isn’t much to lose. You can either get your money back or pay a small fee and find a great job.

Pay: Pay rates vary by company and position. 

20. Upwork

screenshot of upwork page

Another platform where freelancers can hire chat and customer service agents is Upwork. 

There are a lot of freelancers who complain about the platform’s low prices, but many of them also make a good living on Upwork.

Even if you want to work as a chat operator and earn money, you probably won’t use the platform that much. 

Since these are typically ongoing positions, you won’t have to compete for new gigs as long as you find a company that is a good fit.

Pay: Pay rates vary by company and position.