Best money making skills to learn in 6 months

Money making skills to learn and earn in 6 months

If you love sports,have presence of mind and kind of never fall short of words, you might have the opportunity to earn some money by officiating games on nights and weekends. Whether done for middle school, high school, college or for professional sports, officiating games allows you to enjoy yourself in the world of sports while making money.

money making skills to learn and earn in 6 months

Officiating sports

Contact local school districts to check about open job opportunities, or consider enrolling in online training to help you gain skills you need to be among the best in the industry.

Voiceover talent

If you have a clear and energectic voice, you might want to try as voiceover talent to help you make some money. This fun job allows you to do any number of creative projects, from commercials to trainings and recordings. You can search for such jobs by browsing online creative job boards, or registering with a site like Fiverr, which will connect you with clients in search of voiceover talent for their own projects.

Public speaking engagements

Tough times require motivation. If you have managed trials and failures throughout your life and still managed to succeed, you might this work as public speaker both lucrative and satisfying. As a public speaker, you would travel to various locations to speak at conferences, seminars, award shows or business trainings, offering knowledge about any number of subjects. Some public speakers get thousands of dollars per engagement. Building a solid brand and reputation can help you book high-paying events.

Social media consulting

Some people have a good aptitude for social media. They have awesome online presence and go on to attract thousands or millions of followers, such people stand out above the rest on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. If you have such a strong social media following, you might be able to make money through collaborations, marketing opportunities, or consulting.

Social media is a gateway to increased sales in 2021. If you are a social media influencer, you can make use of your social media following to create and share content from other companies. These marketing opportunities will set you up for not only short term success but in the future as well. Continue growing your social media following and you might be surprised to discover the incredible money-making opportunities that can come from this.

Social media manager

Social media plays an important role in a business’s digital marketing strategy. A social media manager manages the creative strategy behind Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. If you have a unique way of creativity when it comes to social media, as well as a proven track record of gaining followers and engagement, a job as a social media manager might be the great job for you. Also,You don’t even have to give your full-time job to do this.

You may freelance as a social media manager and work for many other companies, or you have the option of establishing your own marketing firm and attract new clients that way. Whichever way you choose, know that social media marketing is unlikely to become outdated any time soon and might be just the right opportunity to earn some extra money while indulging in your passion.

Admissions essay editor

Most colleges need applicants to submit an admissions essay to be considered. Not all students are good in writing and an admissions essay is too big an opportunity to gamble on. If you are a skilled writer or tutor, you may like this work as an admissions essay specialist a good opportunity to make money.

You can assist college applicants by consulting them about their essays and giving them tips on how to improve these essays all while maintaining ethical standards.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is not only for bloggers but for anyone who is looking to actively make money online. There are many opportunities to make money from affiliate marketing but you will need to be creative. First you will need a follower base. Whether your main social media channel is Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, you can create content and include an affiliate link to products to earn money from each product sold through these channels. You can then use these mediums to earn money through other affiliates over time.

Content marketing

Content marketing may play an important role in a business’s advertising strategy. You can freelance as a content marketing manager to assist brands develop the strategy to beat their competition and stay ahead online. As a content marketer, you will learn the ins and outs of your client’s business and help them develop an appropriate content marketing plan that speaks to their target audience.


There are multiple ways to make money online these days. One of the most common ways is through content. Starting a blog might be the great opportunity to enter the world of online earning.

One of the most important reasons people start blogs is low entry barrier to start. You don’t need any prior experience to start a blog and there are almost infinite topics for beginner bloggers to explore. Also, getting started with a hosting platform doesn’t cost much. Whether you are interested in fashion, technology, finance, or design, a blog is a great way to connect with an audience and earn money through things like affiliate links, sponsorships, and advertisements.

Accumulating a large following can bring more lucrative deals, allowing you to make money on par with some full-time jobs. Not only is starting a blog a great way to earn additional cash, but it can also serve as a wonderful creative outlet or hobby outside your full-time work. This is why so many people find joy in blogging and building communities online.

Niche website

There are many topics to write about when it comes to online content. Starting a niche website can help you attract a specific audience and give you chance to make some real money. Similar to a blog, this website will go deep into a topic of your choosing, whether that be how to do gardening or how to groom a pet,how to build your skills for particular task, or even fan novels, games, and other forms of entertainment. You can monetize these with subscription services, merchandise, and paid advertisements, to start.

Freelance copywriting

Are you good with words? You don’t need a formal degree in journalism to be a writer. If you have been working at your skill independently for quite some time, you may have a real shot at making money as a freelance copywriter if you know where to look.

From working contract with advertising agencies to blogging for businesses during your downtime, there are multiple ways to make money writing online. Consider a freelance website or cold-call marketing agencies in your area to inquire about freelance opportunities.


Digital content like podcasts is winning over the audio industry in terms of listener preference. You can jump in on this trend and make some cash in the process by starting your own podcast.

Starting your own podcast is going to be never easier. With thousands to choose from across industries, you are bound to find a topic which interests you as well as an audience. If you build a large enough following for your podcast you can make money by way of corporate sponsorships, advertisements, or subscriptions.

Writing greeting cards

Everyone loves receiving greeting cards but not everyone has a talent for writing them. If you have a talent for writing creative copy and naturally connecting with your audience, you may be able to make extra money by writing greeting cards.

There are a many platforms you can use to sell your greeting cards. And while you may only have the writing skills necessary for greeting card creation, don’t let that deter you. You can experiment with design apps like Canva for the rest.

Yoga or meditation

Just like becoming a professional trainer is a good option for gym enthusiasts, becoming a yoga instructor is a great option for yoga lovers. Yoga and meditation often go together. You can teach these on an individual or class basis, making your own hours and adopting your own unique teaching strategy in the process. You might choose to charge by the hour or perhaps have a group of students enroll in weekly or monthly glasses.

Personal chef

Does your talent include cooking? Talented chefs can make huge monthly income by cooking for families and other private clients. Many amateur chefs have even found success selling pre-made, heat and eat meals that are easy, affordable, and delicious alternatives to take-out.

Stock photographer

you love photography but don’t enjoy working with models. If this is the case, you might find work of a stock photographer a great way to make money outside of your full-time job. Stock photos are used to populate an endless list of websites and other promotional material. You can register your photos with sites like Shutterstock and charge a small amount for each use. Do this multiple times and you can earn a significant amount of money while doing little work.


Are you a frequent user of sewing machine? If so, tailoring might be a perfect way to earn some extra money. While you can certainly take appointments from a brick-and-mortar shop or your home, there is also a variety of mail-in alterations sites you can be inspired from. Whether you list yourself on local gig websites or set up your own virtual shop, there is potential to be had in doing alterations and running your business online.


If you’re a fan of the nightlife and have a passion for music, exploring a career as a DJ may give you some lucrative results. DJs have multiple options when it comes to night and weekend gigs. From bars and restaurants to weddings and other events, a DJ gig can help you earn thousands per month. Building a personal brand and advertising online can help you attract more customers in 2021.

Teach DIYs

You have heard the saying, “those who can’t do, teach”. Maybe you’d like to do both. Teaching others how to do stuff online can be a fun way to earn extra money. Whether through Pinterest or Youtube, building a community of like-minded individuals and offering tutorials on any number of tasks can serve as both a creative outlet and a means of income – the best of both worlds.


Baking can be more than just a hobby. You can bake for extra money when you master your craft and begin selling your items locally. COVID-19 has forced many to look to uncommon way of making money and baking is one of them. Start creating a brand, then look into selling your goods at events like local farmer’s markets or through small restaurants. If you develop small-town fame, you can begin selling your baked goods on a national scale by way of sites like Goldbelly.

Makeup artist

if you have earned a cosmetology degree or are a self-taught entrepreneur, you can earn extra money by performing at-home makeup services. There are many reasons why someone might need to hire an at-home makeup artist. From wedding parties to modeling photo shoots, keep your options open and your online portfolio updated in order to book clients in your area.

Presentation slides

Those old PowerPoint presentations are still used across various industries, but that doesn’t imply they have to be boring. A creative specializing in presentation slides can make all the difference between a lackluster strategy and a strong presentation. Ideal for presenting to professional groups across all areas of the business, PowerPoint slides are a great strategic tool. Someone who creates presentation slides has the opportunity to put their own unique mark on these materials.

Portrait photographer

Photography is a popular hobby which might have the potential to earn you money. Portrait photography, for example, is a special area of photography which requires a truly creative and skilled eye. If you have a passion for photography, consider what your own photography business. You can find work shooting headshots for professionals or taking photos of families for holiday cards. Then you can work your way up to more lucrative work such as corporate photography. Consider shooting subjects for free to gain some experience and exposure, then create an online portfolio to showcase your work to potential clients.

Wedding photographer

Anyone who has ever looked for wedding photographers can endorse about the high rates in the market today. If you enjoy documenting life most special occasions, a side gig as a weekend wedding photographer might be a great opportunity for you to experiment with your creativity.

Wedding photographers often charge hundreds of dollars per hour on the big day and play an important role in memorializing your wedding date forever. Getting started doesn’t have to be difficult, either. Consider showcasing your work across social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest in order to develop a following and make your services widely available to clients locally and state-wide.

Online dating consultant

Online dating might be difficult. People experiment with different online dating platforms for huge period of time and still find no luck finding a long-term partner. If you have experience in the online dating world or as a dating consultant of any kind, you may find this type of work to be both rewarding and lucrative.

Online dating consulting might involve spending time with clients in order to uncover any patterns that may be keeping them from finding their perfect partner. Strong personal branding and positive testimonials carry a lot of weight when it comes to making money as a dating consultant. Put extra effort into this and you will likely see your career soon take off.

Freelance proofreading and editing

Have you always had good eye for detail? If so, a freelance work as a proofreader or editor might make sense for you. With a growing number of self-published authors comes a new demand for editors to correct grammar and catch mistakes through a fresh set of eyes.

Whether you charge by the word or by project, you can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month by signing up with a freelance job platform and searching for gigs now.